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Awards & Achievements of Department in Last 1 Year-NA
List Of Books In Departmental Library
Sr. No. | Name of Book | Author | Quantity |
1. | Human physiology – vol. I | Dr. C. C. Chatterji | 3 |
2. | Human physiology – vol. II | Dr. C. C. Chatterji | 4 |
3. | Human physiology | Chakrabarti, Ghosh & Sahana | 3 |
4. | Text book of Medical physiology | Guyton | 13 |
5. | Understanding medical physiology | R. L. Bijlani | 8 |
6. | Text book of physiology – vol.-I | Professor A. K. Jain | 12 |
7. | Text book of physiology – vol.-II | Professor A. K. Jain | 15 |
8. | Review of medical physiology | Ganong | 8 |
9. | Essential of medical physiology | Sembulingam | 11 |
10. | Practical physiology | DR. V. D. Joshi | 3 |
11. | Prep. Manual for U. G. physiology | Vijaya D. Joshi | 11 |
12. | Text book of practical physiology | Dr. Ranade, Dr. P.N. Joshi & Dr. Shalini Pradhan | 4 |
13. | A colour atlas of endocrinology | R. Hall & dc evorod | 1 |
14. | Huthison’s clinical methods | Michael Swash | 4 |
15. | Sampson wright applied physiology | Cyril | 4 |
16. | Illustrated physiology | B. R. Macwan, R. Callander | 1 |
17. | Text book of physiology | Donald – E. Smith Thomas – Scratched | 1 |
18. | Synopsis of human physiology. Part-I | O. P. Tandon | 3 |
19. | Synopsis of human physiology. Part-II | O. P. Tandon | 3 |
20. | Review of physiology | Jaypee, U. N. Panda | 1 |
21. | Handbook of human physiology | Vidya Ratan | 3 |
22. | Concise human physiology | Sukkar Ardawi | 1 |
23. | Concepts of physiology | Kent M. Van, De Graff | 1 |
24. | A study guide to medical physiology | Ramesh Kumar | 1 |
25. | Annual review of physiology | Hoffman | 1 |
26. | M.C.Q.’s in human physiology | Roddie & Wallace | 2 |
27. | A text book of practical physiology | C. L. Ghai | 7 |
28. | Concise medical physiology | Chaudhari | 17 |
29. | M.L.T. | Sood | 1 |
30. | Fundamentals of biochemistry | Dr. A. C. Deb. | 1 |
31. | Text book of medical biochemistry | Chaterjee | 1 |
32. | Objective questions in medical physiology | K. S. Rao | 1 |
33. | E.C.G. | Lipman | 1 |
34. | Best & Taylor’s physiological basis of medical practice | John West | 5 |
35. | Physiology review for new national boards | Ronald | 1 |
36. | Manual of practical physiology | Professor A. K. Jain | 16 |
37. | Text book of practical physiology | Pravarti Pal | 11 |
38. | Harrison’s principles of int. medicine – Vol. I | Harrison | 1 |
39. | Harper’s biochemistry – International edition | Harper | 3 |
40. | Text book of biophysics | R. N. Roy | 2 |
41. | MCQ’s in physiology | Professor A. K. Jain | 5 |
42. | Physiology Review MCQs 1st print | Guyton and hall | 4 |
43. | Textbook of Physiology | Indu Khurana | 12 |
44. | Practical Workbook of Human Physiology | Sri Nageshwari Rajeev Sharma | 5 |
45. | Textbook of Physiology | R. Chandramouli | 6 |
46. | Short textbook of Physiology | K. C. Mathur | 7 |
47. | Human Physiology | Dr. N. M. Muthayya | 2 |
48. | M.B.B.S. Made easy 2nd edition | Manoj Vimal | 2 |
49. | M.C.Qs in Physiology 1st Edition | Vijaya Joshi | 1 |
50. | NMS Physiology 4th Edition | John Bullock | 1 |
51. | Respiratory Physiology 7th Edition | John West | 1 |
52. | Endocrine Physiology 2nd Edition | Susan P | 2 |
53. | Physiology of heart 4th edition | Asnold N. Katz | 1 |
54. | Renal Physiology | Bruce M.K. Bruce A.S. | 3 |
55. | Handbook of Physiology with MCQs | C.L. Agrawal Rajesh Misra | 1 |
56. | Textbook of Medical Physiology 1st edition-2008 | N Geetha | 3 |
57. | Essentials of Medical Physiology | Anil Baran Singha Mahapatra | 6 |
58. | D Baselli plus programmer’s reference guide | Alan Simpson | 1 |
59. | MCQ’s and answers for PG entrance examination-15 edition | Dr. Salgunan | 1 |
60. | Hutchison’s clinical methods-15th edition | Donald Hunter | 1 |
61. | Teach yourself Access’97 for windows | Charles Siegel | 1 |
62. | Textbook of practical physiology for dental students-2007 1st edition | G K Pal | 1 |
63. | Bern & Levy Textbook of Physiology 6th edition | B M Koeppen, B A Stanton | 6 |
64. | Practical Physiology, 2nd edition | L Prakasan Reddy | 1 |
65. | Viva in Practical Physiology | Smritiratan Tripathy | 1 |
66. | Principles of Medical Physiology | Sabyasachi Sircar | 1 |
67. | Human Physiology & Biochemistry | Prof. A.K.Jain | 1 |
68. | Concise physiology for U.G. | Prof. A.K.Jain | 1 |
69. | Manual of Practical Physiology for nurses | Prof. A.K.Jain | 2 |
70. | Human physiology in nutshell | Prof. A.K.Jain | 3 |
71. | Manual of practical physiology for P.T. occupational therapy, MLT & others | Prof. A.K.Jain | 1 |
72. | Anatomy and physiology for nurses | Prof. A.K.Jain | 1 |
73. | Companion for 1st M.B.B.S. | Singi Yatiraj | 1 |
74. | Essentials of human physiology | R. Suresh | 3 |
75. | University paper set for 1st M.B.B.S. Saurashtra University | 2 | |
76. | Principles of physiology | Debasis | 1 |
77. | T.B. of animal physiology Part -1 | Hurkat Mathur | 1 |
78. | T.B. of animal physiology Part -2 | Hurkat Mathur | 1 |
79. | Viva in physiology | Vijay Bhagat | 1 |
80. | Basics of medical physiology for nursing student | D. Venkatesh H.H.Sudhakar | 2 |
81. | Anatomy for B.Sc. Nursing | Dr. Renu Chauhan | 1 |
82. | Physiology : Solved Question paper volume-1 | Singi Yatiraj | 1 |
83. | Physiology : Solved Question paper volume-2 | Singi Yatiraj | 1 |
84. | Medical physiology- Text book study Guide | Raul N. De Gasperi | 1 |
85. | MCQs in human physiology (Basic & Applied) | O.P.Tandon | 1 |
86. | Manual of practical physiology | U S Zingade | 1 |
87. | Physiology of Sports & Exercise | P.Majumdar | 2 |
88. | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | A.K.Jain | 2 |
89. | Physiology: An illustrative Review | Roger Tanner Thies | 1 |
90. | Physiology: Made easy | A.K.Basak | 3 |
91. | Pocket companion to textbook of medical physiology | Guyton & Hall | 4 |
92. | Textbook of medical Physiology | G K Pal | 1 |
93. | Symptoms & signs in clinical Medicine | Chamberlain | 1 |
94. | Clinical Neurophysiology | Ok Mishra J Kalita | 1 |
95. | Methods in Biostatistics | B.K. Mahajan | 2 |
96. | Cardiovascular Physiology | Mathew levy | 3 |
97. | Neurology secrets | Loren Rolak | 2 |
98. | Gastrointestinal physiology | Leonard Johnson | 3 |
99. | Human Genetics | S D Gangane | 1 |
100. | Medical Genetics | Jorde Carey | 1 |
101. | Immunology | Donald M. Weir | 1 |
102. | Medical Biochemistry | John W. Baynes | 1 |
103. | A textbook of biochemistry | D M Vasudevan | 2 |
104. | The pharmacological basis of therapeutics | Goodman & Gilman | 1 |
105. | Essentials of medical pharmacology | K.D.Tripathi | 1 |
106. | A textbook of pain | Pramod Kumar | 1 |
107. | MCQs in Physiology (with explanatory answers) | J. Makwana Surendar Wadikar | 1 |
Total Books in Department | 329 |
Infrastructure Details
Sr No. | Room or laboratory | Dimension in square. Meters | Area in square. Meters | Student Seating Capacity |
1. | Professor & HOD chamber | 5.088 x 3.092 | 23.049 | – |
Rest room with attached bathroom | 3.92 x 1.92 | 7.52 | – | |
2. | Associate Professor | 5.88 x 3.85 | 22.63 | – |
3. | Associate Professor | 5.88 x 3.85 | 22.63 | – |
4. | Associate Professor | 5.88 x 3.85 | 22.63 | – |
5. | Assistant Professor | 3.77 x 3.77 | 14.21 | – |
6. | Assistant Professor | 3.77 x 3.77 | 14.21 | – |
7. | Assistant Professor | 6.22 x 3.85 | 23.95 | – |
8. | Assistant Professor | 6.22 x 3.85 | 23.95 | – |
9. | Tutor Room | 6.55 x 5.79 | 37.96 | – |
10. | Tutor Room | 3.35 x 3.65 | 12.23 | – |
11. | Technician Room | 5.92 x 5.77 | 34.15 | – |
12. | Technician Room | 5.77 x 5.80 | 33.46 | – |
13. | Haematology laboratory | 23.81 x 12.15 | 289.29 | 100 |
Preparation room | 5.92 x 5.96 | 35.28 | ||
14 | Departmental office | 5.81 x 7.11 | 41.30 | – |
15. | Biochemistry lab. of physiology | 5.81 x 4.62 | 26.84 | – |
16. | Clinical laboratory | 11.88 x 17.61 | 209.20 | 100 |
Preparation Room | 3.0 x 4.0 | 12.0 | ||
17. | Demonstration room 1 | 7.85 x 11.85 | 93.02 | 75 |
18. | Demonstration room 2 | 7.85 x 9.17 | 72 | 75 |
19. | Demonstration room 3 | 5.94 x11.88 2.59 x 6.09 | 86.47 | 75 |
20. | Amphibian laboratory | 18.21×11.73 | 213.6 | 75 |
Preparation room | 5.85 x 5.85 | 34.12 | – | |
Smoke room | 5.85 x 5.85 | 34.12 | – | |
Varnishing room | 5.85 x 5.85 | 34.12 | – | |
Technician room | 5.85 x 5.85 | 34.12 | – | |
21. | Mammalian laboratory | 14.4×8.92 | 128.48 | 75 |
Preparation room | 5.97 x 3.80 | 21.92 | – | |
22. | Museum | 5.60 x 3.85 | 21.56 | – |
23. | Seminar room | 7.85 x 3.85 | 30.22 | 20 |
24. | Departmental library | 7.77 x 11.77 | 91.45 | 20 |
25. | Store | 11.88 x 7.80 | 92.66 | – |
Equipment List
Hematology Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1, Distillation Apparatus, 1 2, Demonstration Eye Piece with Pointer 5x, 4 3, Demonstration Eye Piece with Pointer 10x, 4 4, Demonstration Eye Piece with Double Pointer,. 4 5, E.S.R. Tube Westergren with Stands, 35 6, E.S.R. Tube Wintrobe with Stands, 6 7, Haemocytometer 40 8, Haemoglobinometer 36 9, Microscope Monocular 58 10, Micrometer Eye Piece 1 11, Stage Micrometer 1 12, Microscope Binocular 1 13, Water Distillation Apparatus 1 -
Clinical Physiology Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 Chart for Distant Vision, Snellen’s.. 2 2 Chart for Near Vision, Jaeger’s 4 3 Ishihara Chart for Colour Vision 3 4 Compass Aesthesiometer.. 10 6 Mosso’s Ergograph. 6 7 Percussion Hammer.. 12 8 Hair Aesthesiometer.. 8 9 Perimeter. 10 10 Sphygmomanometer. 38 11 Stethoscope 32 12 Stop Watch (Simple). 8 13 Stop Watch Electronics. 1 14 Siprometer (Hutchinson).. 6 15 Thermometer Clinical 25 16 Torch Simple.. 5 17 Tuning Fork 128 cps 6 18 Tuning Fork 256 cps.. 6 19 Tuning Fork 512 cps.. 6 20 Weighing Scale 1 21 Edridge Green Lantern 1 22 Hand dynamometer 1 -
Amphibian Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 S. S. Tray 10” x 12” 12 2 Induction Coil. 30 3 Kymograph – Sherrington – Starling. 21 4 Low Voltage Unit. 1 5 Mercury Key 6 6 Muscle Trough.. 25 7 Muscle Lever. 25 8 Heart Lever.. 25 9 Weight Set 6 10 Heart Electrode 25 11 Pohl’s Commutator. 2 12 Forceps Toothless 10 13 Forceps Toothed. 5 14 Scissors with One Blunt End. 5 15 Artery Forceps. 5 16 Bone Cutter 5 17 Tuning Fork 100 cps 6 18 Tetanus Set 6 19 Myograph Stand 22 20 Simple Electrode. 25 21 Short circuiting key 19 22 Starling’s Heart lever 25 23 Electric time marker. 5 24 Myograph board 25 -
Mammalian Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 Dale’s Organ bath. 1 2 Electrical Marker Double. 3 3 Electrical Marker Single 3 4 Kymograph Long Paper Extension 1 5 Respiratory Pump 1 6 Langendorff’s Assembly for isolated mammalian heart 5 7 Marey’s Tambour 8 8 Non-Polorisable Electrode 3 9 Student’s Organ bath 8 10 Operation Table (Small Animal). 1 11 Operation Table (Dog) 1 12 Electronic Stimulator 1 13 Students’ Stimulator (Solid State) 1 14 Scissors (Blunt, Straight). 6 15 Scissors (Blunt, Curved) 6 16 Scissors (Pointed, Straight) 6 17 Scissors (Pointed, Curved) 6 18 Anesthesia Box. 3 19 Bowl Enamel Size 14”. 2 20 Bowl Enamel Size 8” 2 21 Bowl Enamel Size 4” 2 22 Tracheal Cannula 3 23 Artery Forceps. 12 24 Surgical Knife 4 25 Arterial Cannula 1 26 Venous Cannula 6 27 Animal Weighing Scale 1 28 Kerosene Smoke Burner 1 29 Sherington Starling’s Kymograph 2 Research LaboratoryNo. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 Polygraph (four channel). 1 2 Cathode-ray Oscilloscope 1 4 Ophthalmoscope 1 5 Oto-rhino-laryngoscope. 1 6 Computerised Polygraph (2 channel) . 1 7 Student’s Physiograph 7 -
Cardio-Respiratory Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 ECG Machine.. 1 2 Computerized Pulmonary Function Test Machine . 1 -
Exercise Physiology Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 Bicycle Ergometer 2 2 Weighing machine 1 3 BMR Apparatus 1 -
Physiological Chemistry/Biochemistry Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 Centrifuge machine. 1 2 Colorimeter 2 3 Spectrophotometer . 1 4 PH meter 1 5 Incubator 1 -
YOGA Laboratory
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 Student’s Physiograph 1 2 Floor Met 6 3 Yoga charts. 10 4 Computerized Spirometer (shared With research lab). 1 -
No. Models Quantity 1 Brain 1 2 Eye 1 3 Ear 1 4 Heart 2 5 Stretch reflex 1 6 Schematic Eye 1 No. Charts Quantity 1 Vertical section of eye 1 2 Autonomic nervous system 1 3 Ascending and Descending pathways 1 4 Vertical section of ear 1 5 Mechanism of action of water soluble hormones 1 6 Mechanism of action of lipid soluble hormones 1 7 Regulation of aldosterone secretion by rennin–angiotensin pathway 1 8 Hormonal regulation of calcium homeostasis by calcitonin ,parathyroid hormone and calcitriol 1 9 Lateral view of right side of brain 1 10 Visual pathway and field defects 1 11 Conduction system of heart 2 12 Juxta-Glomerular apparatus 1 13 Hepatic sinusoids 1 14 Transduction of sound waves into nerve impulses 1 No. Photographs Quantity 1 Sir Charles Scott sherington 1 2 Sir Michael Faraday 1 3 Sir Henry Starling 1 4 Sir herman Ludwig ferdinand von Helmholtz 1 5 Sir Galen 1 6 Sir Walter Holbrook Gaskell 1 No. Instruments Quantity 1 Arm plethysmograph 1 2 Algometer 3 3 Stethograph 1 4 Dry and wet thermometer 1 5 Piston recorder 1 6 Variable interrupter 40 -
Seminar Room
Audio-Visual Aids
No. Name of Instruments Quantity 1 LCD Projector. 1 2 Slide Projector. 1 3 Overhead Projector. 1
List of Important Functional Equipments
Functional Equipments
NO. Name of instruments QUANTITY Algometer 3 Anaesthesia Box. 3 Arterial Cannula (different size) 12 Autopippetes 200 microliters. 3 Autopippetes 250 microliters. 3 Autopippetes 500 microliters 3 Autopippetes 1000 microliters.. 3 Autopippetes 2000 microliters.. 3 Autopippetes 5000 microliters.. 3 Autopippetes 10,000 microliters.. 3 Bicycle Ergometer.. 2 Bowl Enamel Size 14” 2 Bowl Enamel Size 8” 2 Bowl Enamel Size 4” 2 B.M.R Apparatus.. 1 Burson Burner for Gas.. 1 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. Cannula (Arterial&Venous) 1 40 Centrifuge Machine.. 1 Chart for Distant Vision 1 & 2. 2 Chart for Near Vision – Jager’s 4 Chart for Ishihara.. 3 Colorimeter . 1 Compass Aesthesiometer 10 Computer desktop 2 Computer Laptop 1 Computer Floppy Drive 1 Computer CD Drive.. 1 Computer Printer Dot-matrix.. 1 Computer Printer Xerox Phaser 3122.. 1 Computer Printer HP Laserjet 1020. 1 Computer Speaker 1 Computer CD & DVD Educational 7 Computer Mouse. 1 Dale’s Bath with Thermo, Control & Stirrer. 1 Distillation Apparatus.. 1 Demonstration Eye Piece 5 x 5 Demonstration Eye Piece 10 x.. 4 Dog Dissection Table Douglas bag. 1 6 Demonstration Eye Piece with Double Pointer.. 4 Dubois Reymond Induction Coil 30 E.C.G. Machine 1 Edridge Green Lantern. 1 EMG-NCV-EP machine computerized. 1 Epidioscope.. 1 Electrical Marker Double. 3 Electrical Marker Single.. 3 Electrical Time Marker.. 3 Ergograph Mosso’s Inco. 10 Emergency Light.. Electictrical sterilizer 1 2 Gas analyzer (halden’s student type). 1 Hemocytometer 40 Hemogloginometer.. 30 Hook & Weight Set.. 25 Hand dynamometer 2 Hammer Clinical.. 29 Hair aesthesiometer 20 Incubator.. 1 Kerosene Smoking Burner 1 Kymograph – Sherrington – starling 42 Kymograph Long paper extension.. 1 Low voltage unit. 1 LCD projector 1 Luca’s chamber.. 42 Microscope Monocular 58 Microscope Lamp. 22 Mammalian Heart Perfusion Set 5 Muscle Trough Heart electrode, muscle lever, heart lever, hook & weight set 25 set Marey’s Tambour 40 Mercury Key. Metronome.. 6 5 Microscope Binocular 1 Myograph Board 25 Non Polorisable Electrode 3 Over Head Projector. 2 Ophthalmoscope.. 3 Otorhino Laryngoscope 2 Organ Bath Student’s 40 Operation Table (small animal) 1 Oil Immersion Lens.. 23 Olfactometer. 1 PH meter 1 Polygraph. 7 Perimeter with chart 10 Pohl’s Commutator.. 42 Plethysmograph Arm Player 1 Piston Recorder 3 Pointer Torch 1 Pulmonary Function Test Machine with Laptop computer, USB cord, transducers, mouth pieces & nose clips. 1 Refrigerator.. 1 Schematic Eye.. 3 Scissors 1 Short circuiting key.. 36 Simple Electrode. 10 Simple Muscle Lever 25 Slide Projector Auto.. 2 Smoke Burner with stand 1 Spectrophotometer. 1 Sphygmomanometer – B.P 38 Sphygmomanometer Bulb 16 Spinal Needle 10 Surgical Instrument Set 5 Stand for Frog Board 3 Starling’s Heart Lever. 25 Stimulator Electronic 1 Stimulator Solid State-student type.. 5 Spirit Lamp 2 Stethoscope. 32 Stop Watch Electronic 3 Stop Watch 8 Screw Driver (A) 327B) size 903 1+1 Smoking stand 1 Smoking burner. 1 Spanner Adjustable. 1 S. S. Tray 10” x 12” 12 S. S. Tray 8” x 10”. 12 Spirometer Hutchision 10 Stethograph. 15 Student’s Physiograph.. 10 Surgical Scissors Blunt Straight 6 Surgical Scissors Blunt Curved. 6 Surgical Scissors Pointed Straight.. 6 Surgical Scissors Pointed Curved 6 Tracheal Cannula.. 4 Tetanus Set (Vibrating reed). 6 Thermometer Clinical. 69 Thermometer Wet & Dry.. 1 Thermometer 0° to 111° c. 1 Thermometer 0° to 360° c. Thermaesthesiometer.. 1 2 Torch (Simple). 9 Torch (Laser Point). 2 Tuning Fork (Different Size) (100 CPS). 6 Tuning Fork (Different Size) (128,256,512 CPS).. 28 Tonometer 1 Type Writer (Gujarati). 1 Westergren Pippette with Stand.. 36 Wintrobe Tubes with Stand 12 Weighing Machines. 3 Vacuum cleaner. 1 Variable interrupter. 40 VCR.. Volume Recorder 1 7 Y tube (metallic). 3 Frog board for dissection 3 Cork lined with boss head 17 CO2 cylinder with trolly 2 Voltage Stabilizer 1 Maddox rod 1 Newtons colour wheel 1